Oscar Mathisen
Speedskating - Oscar Diary

Statistics 1910

A. Complete adelskalender after the 1910 season

B. World records after the 1910 season

C. Distance statistics

D. Lowland world records after the 1910 season

E. Complete lowland adelskalender after the 1910 season

F. Distance statistics lowland

G. Uni-Koeln anno 1910:

Here are my votes. What are yours?

Best skater from:
Austria: Thomas Bohrer
Britain: Richard Peyton-Burbery
Canada: Lot Roe
Denmark: Ejnar Sørensen
Estonia: Artur Kukk
Finland: Väinö Wickström
France: Charles Sabouret
Germany: Alfred Lauenburg
Netherlands: Wynout Hendrik Taconis
Norway: Oscar Mathisen
Russia: Nikolaj Strunnikov
Switzerland: Roy Weibel
Sweden: Otto Andersson
USA: Edmund Lamy

Best male allrounder: Nikolaj Strunnikov
Best male sprinter: Fred Robson
Best female sprinter and allrounder: Emma Uhl
Best junior: Henning Olsen

Breakthrough of the year: Nikolaj Strunnikov
Comeback of the year: none remarkable
Surprise of the year: Magnus Johansen
Disappointment of the year: Oscar Mathisen
Unluckiest skater: Oscar Mathisen
Wednesday skater: Oscar Mathisen
Most feared farewell: Oscar Mathisen
Best event: Davos Jan. 29-30
Duel of the year: Mathisen and Johansen 10000m at Helsingfors
Best race: Mathisen 2.20,6
Best venue: Davos
Scandal of the year: Norwegian tactics at the World Championship.

Skater of the year: Nikolaj Strunnikov